This time we go on with something different but easy.... By following the below steps I am about to show you in pictures how you will easily make a white chocolate mousse with oreo cookies along with bitter mousse.
It's not difficult. You should pay attention only in the way you will handle both chocolate mixtures. You can make a nice dessert with two different ways that I am about to show you and then serve either in individual glasses or in a family bowl. You choose the way while I show you the recipe.
White chocolate mousse, oreo cookies and bitter chocolate mousse
Preparation time: 30'
Waiting: 1h
Decoration: 10'
People to serve: 10
For the white chocolate mousse:
150 gr white chocolate of good quality
100 gr fresh cream liquid
200 gr fresh cream liquid beaten to a mixer until texture is the same as yogurt
250 gr mascarpone
1 pack of oreo cookies

For the bitter chocolate mousse:
200 gr chocolate 55-57%
100 gr fresh milk
200 gr fresh cream liquid beaten to a mixer until texture is the same as yogurt
Stage 1: preparation of white chocolate mousse
Put in a casserole the fresh cream and heat until boiled.
In a metallic bowl where you placed your white chocolate cut into small chops (to easy melt), throw the cream and leave it for a while (this enables the chocolate to start be warmer and easily melt).
Then with your spatula start mixing gently the content until it becomes a slightly thick ganache.
With a hand mixer beat for 5 seconds the mascarpone to soften.
Add little by little the white chocolate mixture into the mascarpone and mix vigorously until homogenized.
Finally add the to the mixture little by little again spoons of the beaten fresh cream and mix softly until you produce at the end a delicate mousse.
Put in the fridge for 1 hour before using it.
Stage 2: preparation of bitter chocolate mousse
Put in a casserole the milk and heat until boiled.
Then with your spatula start mixing gently the content until it becomes a ganache (thick).
Preparation time: 30'
Waiting: 1h
Decoration: 10'
People to serve: 10
For the white chocolate mousse:
150 gr white chocolate of good quality
100 gr fresh cream liquid
200 gr fresh cream liquid beaten to a mixer until texture is the same as yogurt
250 gr mascarpone
1 pack of oreo cookies
For the bitter chocolate mousse:
200 gr chocolate 55-57%
100 gr fresh milk
200 gr fresh cream liquid beaten to a mixer until texture is the same as yogurt
Stage 1: preparation of white chocolate mousse
Put in a casserole the fresh cream and heat until boiled.
In a metallic bowl where you placed your white chocolate cut into small chops (to easy melt), throw the cream and leave it for a while (this enables the chocolate to start be warmer and easily melt).
Then with your spatula start mixing gently the content until it becomes a slightly thick ganache.
With a hand mixer beat for 5 seconds the mascarpone to soften.
Finally add the to the mixture little by little again spoons of the beaten fresh cream and mix softly until you produce at the end a delicate mousse.
Put in the fridge for 1 hour before using it.
Stage 2: preparation of bitter chocolate mousse
Put in a casserole the milk and heat until boiled.
In a metallic bowl where you placed your chocolate cut into small chops (to easy melt), throw the milk and leave it for a while (this enables the chocolate to start be warmer and easily melt).
Finally add the to the mixture little by little spoons of the beaten fresh cream and mix softly until you produce at the end a delicate mousse. Put in the fridge for 1 hour before using it.
When you finished with both mousses you may cut to little pieces as you wish the oreo cookies.
Before set up your desserts I am giving you an alternative concerning your plate: You may take off the fridge the white mousse and mix it with half the cookies so that you have a white chocolate oreo cookies mousse (this is in fact how I set up the family bowl in the picture), Otherwise you proceed as follows:
In order to have a balance in the quantity of mousses to use in every plate I mostly use icing bags (large ones for mousse or creams), different nozzles (fat ones depending on how I wish my plate look) and fill each one accordingly.
And then I put a part of white chocolate in the bottom, some oreos cut, placed in the middle and continue with the chocolate one.
In case I mix the cookies with the white chocolate I input the white chocolate in the bottom and then directly the bitter choocolate on top, decorating with cookies all above.
- Good quality white chocolate: I personally faced many problems with white chocolate. I generally use Opalys by Valrhona, or white chocolate Callebaut or a german one that I used to find in a greek super market mentioning only "weisse schokolade". Unfortunately white chocolate is very delicate and many times I found difficult the whole processing of melting it and well mixing it with other textures or ingredients. So I would suggest to be always careful. When you wish to directly put in a "bain marie"and melt white chocolate, try to have medium to low temperatures not high or highest because your chocolate risks to be split into its ingredients. If sometimes, within the above 1st stage and while mixing fresh cream boiled with chocolate, some little choco chops are not well melted then put for around 15 seconds to microwave and then mix again both (before mixing mascarpone and the beaten cream).
- Instead of cookies I would suggest adding in your recipe raspberries, blueberries or cherries (depending on the season). The different result of flavors about white and dark chocolate may perfectly bond with a fruit not too sweet.
- For a bitter result in the mousse I used the standard 55-57% chocolate. I believe it is well combined along with the "white" sweet taste. In case you wish to have a more bitter result I recommend you using chocolate with no more than 62% cocoa chocolate. In such case the quantity of milk from 100 should turn to 130 for this particular recipe.
It's an easy delicious recipe, my kids love it and you may impress as well your friends at the end of a meal. The first time it might take a bit longer to finalize. The second time you will do it easier and shortly.
Waiting for your comments,
Les Delices d'Eleni