Saturday, November 22, 2014

Despina Mara... The Art of Cakes is only the beginning....

I met Despina through sugar art and groups of same interest. I had seen part of her work in facebook and was always amazed by this exact thing I face everytime I see a new creation until today: hunger for the best, open minded art inspired by simple things and thoughts, full of ideas to materialize. 

But, Who is Despina Mara?

I am Despina, 38 years old, married and mother of 4 ½  year old daughter. I basically made studies in Horticulture and more specifically on Greenhouse cultivations. I finalized in Great Britain my Master of Science (MSc) in Landscape design and I have been working for 15 years as professor in Third Degree Education (Technological Educational Institute, T.E.I). I have been as well worked in writing a book of Horticultural interest which is published and teached. I love whatever deals with handmade creations and for the last 2 years, sugar art is a basic piece of my life.

1.The most typical question ever asked: What made you work with sugar art and cakes decoration? 

I started working on  sugar art when my daughter was 2 years old... It was my desire to make a ‘different’ cake for her... That's how I started, I loved it and still go on. Now that my daughter is 4 1/2 years old, her own desires in terms of birthday cake has become a challenge to me!!! 

2.What is sugar art for you?

It's simply ... a great love!!!! From my early age, I remember myself being occupied with various kinds of handmade constructions, but combining sugar art and pastry is magic...

3.What kind of skills are needed to be a sugar artist? Is it easy to work with sugar paste?

Basic knowledge about pastry is  necessary, more specifically for sugar paste cakes. Then it is self-understood that you must love it. In fact this is what I consider as basic skill, considering how much time and patience is needed. But working with sugar paste is not the same while working with other materials like for sculpture, terracota, plasticine, cernit, fimo... etc. Texture is much more different and consequently its behaviour. I compare sugar paste to previous materials, I have worked and still work sometimes with them for other kinds of constructions.

4.What kind of means do you use to be informed about designs, techniques? Did you attend any seminars? Have you watched tutorials or pictures? Which artists have influenced you the most?

When I started, I had no idea how evolutioned the sugar art is, especially abroad. I was at first searching for a sugar paste recipe. But then I discovered how many information can be found by anyone from various sources (tutorials, photo material). This is how I continued.... I followed at the beginning a seminar for basic knowledge about sugar art and how to cover a cake with it. Seminars are very helpful, nevertheless I strongly believe that practicing and talent finalyy are the most important issues to proceed and move only forward. Brilliant in their job are (definitely) Pirikos team and not only for their gravity cakes (for which they are well known in sugar art). I will mention as well Michelle sugar art, I bow in fron of her talt!!!! In addition, Jessica Harris'work is clean and flawless, as well pioneer of unique techniques. Of course they are not only the above mentioned who inspire us everyday. But it's important for our creations to bear our own signature to make the difference. 

5.How do you see sugar art in Greece? Or should I better ask, what's the level of sugar art in Greece? Have you distinguished some sugar artists in Greece? 

I have already expressed my opinion about abroad. In Greece, things are on the right road as well!!! Sugar art is a fact, people ask their birthday cakes to be special and hopefully there are many remarkable and notable creations. But we still have work to do... I believe we are at the beginning. I don't wish to mention sugar artists in names, because they are many that I admire, in cakes, in cookies, figures and flowers. If you insist I would like to mention GK Cookies as brilliant sugar artist exclusive in cookies.

6.Do you use handmade sugar paste for your creations or a specific brand that you could recommend?

I make my own sugar paste, so I am not in a position to recommend commercially one. Of course occasionally I have used commercial sugar paste and I have an opinion for most of them, (there the ones behaving perfectly and others not), but I would prefer not using names.

7.Do environmental conditions play a specific role while using sugar paste? For example, is it the same decorating in winter and in summer where temperatures are different?

They do play a very important role, in terms of covering a cake, as well drying figures, if too moist in atmosphere, the harder is to work. During summer, when temperatures are too high it is impossible to work even with air-condition. 

8.What is your opinion about completed sweets like sponge cakes with syrup and creams or mousses, can they fit to a sugar paste decorated sweet? 

I consider that ideal for sugar paste are cakes like mud cakes. For many reasons.

9.From your existing and impressive work, which cakes has given you rough time and for what reason? How difficult is to make a 2d, 3d or a gravity cake?

Every cake has its own difficulty. Concerning your question, I love all three techiques. The "hardest"according to me is the 3d cake. There, apart from sculpture, you must be able/talented to very well furnish your cake before proceeding with covering it with sugar paste. Gravity cakes simply have internally a very well hidden constructions. I am not though saying that they are easy but they are not as much difficult as they look. And we should always pay attention so that food grade materials should be used to make them because above all we are talking about edibles! Personally, referring to the first part of your question, I should say that the most difficult of all cakes I have made so far is the Chanel Cake.... because it beared both three techniques (Gravity cake, 3D and 2D). 

10.What is the best way to cover a cake before using sugar paste? How should we furnish a cake? What is your opinion about buttercream, ganache ...?

In order to perfectly furnish a cake, chocolate ganache is definitely the best choice, It brings you security and stability in 2d and gravity cakes and much more in 3d cakes. Sometimes buttercream can respond very fine for furnishing the cake. I prefer it specific occasions, not in summer though, ganache is more stable. 

11.What is Despoina thinking about her future in sugar art? What are her plans?

I just wish there is future ... generally in sugar art, to see impressive works. Personally I don't have a specific plan, but passing off is what I ask.

In September, Despina made her debut as sugar art teacher. I found out that her professionalism has occurred the doors of each seminar, reflected by her experience to be a teacher, so she was explanatory, friendly, practical and dispatched fabulous well organized notes. Art on Cakes is her facebook baby exceeding 4.5 thousand followers. A page full of art, very well executed decorative techniques, unique designs and exclusive ideas. Gravity, 2d and 3d designs, beloved cartoon heroes of kids, romantic designs, fresh ideas. I would definitely see a romantic view in her designs shown as well in her personal birthday cake, prepared with love and care.. Check it out! 

I am glad and honored that Despina is my friend and I wish to thank her for being my first "delices" interview. I am happy she's among us, a low profile lady with a very dynamic point of view. I imagine eveytime Despina in front of "her own blank painting like a painter with a brush in the hand", starting to materialize in colors her thoughts, unsatisfied until the end. And the end is only the beginning. Never negotiating with less. I call it perfectionism and is Despina's top quality. Good luck to all your plans my dear friend! 


Les Delices d' Eleni 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Little decorations and festive mood

This week is still on with decorations and desserts for our festive mood... Christmas is not away and we keep notes, are inspired and find the best as possible ideas to renew our Christmas spirit! Enjoy all!

And sweet little delices...

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Some more decorating ideas... allowed .. since festive mood is approaching us... Frost your tables and home!


and what sweets do we share?

Les Delices d'Eleni